Thursday 26 March 2015

Keep Calm and Stop Spending

It's time to reign it in at Chez Coffey.  If we continue the way we have, we will never, ever be debt free.  We earn quite a decent living.  We do have 6 children, which can be expensive.  We like to eat like kings and are not willing to compromise on our food budget.  But there are many places where we downright waste money.

I have several naughty spending habits that account for some of the waste.
Number one:  I love clothes.
Number two:  I have a cosmetic and skincare obsession.
Number three:  Magazines are my crack cocaine.

I have actually been working on the clothing habit over the last year.  I'm starting to make smarter choices.  I'm shifting to a capsule wardrobe philosophy, where my focus is on simplifying my wardrobe with quality basics.  This is working fairly well for me.  I have a list in my day planner of the clothing pieces I would still like to add.  I have taken some time to define my style and come up with a few 'uniforms' that I feel great in and meet my lifestyle needs.

We're going on a weekend trip to NYC in May, where I am basically obligated to shop (heh heh) but aside from that, I am vowing not to purchase any new clothing in the next 3 months.

I have a ridiculous stash of perfumes, lotions, potions, and cosmetics.  I vow to live off my stash until September at the least.  No more Shoppers Drugmart therapy for me.

This problem has a fun fix.  Rather than purchasing magazines, I am going to take a little 'ME' time and either head to Chapters or the library and read them for free.  I don't get much time on my own and I think this will be rather lovely.

But I will very much miss reading fitness magazines on the couch with a container of Hagen Daas.

Let's see how this goes :)

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